
Salmon, Grilse, Sea Trout. Fishery open 1 April to 30 September.

For 2025 The Gweebarra Fishery is a ‘Catch and release’ fishery up to 11th May and Open from the 12th May to the end of the season. This means anglers must fish with single or double barbless hooks only with no bait fishing allowed and all salmon and any sea trout of 40cm or over must be released from 1st April to 11th May.

Access requirements: Government angling licence (includes log book and tags) + fishery permit.

The Gweebarra is a 20-mile (32km) stretch of spate river flowing from Lough Barra to Gweebarra Bay and includes 10 miles (16km) of estuarine water. The river runs through wonderfully scenic and unspoiled countryside and is one of the most beautiful angling locations in Ireland.

The Gweebarra River is fished over 6 beats with many famous named pools such as the Mayo Pool. It receives a good run of late spring salmon at the end of April, with grilse running from the end of June and good-sized summer salmon running from August onwards. Sea trout are at their best from July and are usually taken from the estuary and the pools around the Doochary area.

Visitors can fish alongside local club members but can also book beats exclusive to visitors. Local management rules and etiquette applies to all anglers.
Terms and Conditions specific to this Fishery:
1. For 2025 The Gweebarra Fishery is a ‘Catch and release’ fishery up to 11th May and Open from the 12th May to the end of the season. This means anglers must fish with single or double barbless hooks only with no bait fishing allowed and all salmon and any sea trout of 40cm or over must be released from 1st April to 11th May.
2. If illegal fishing is observed, notify IFI at Ballyshannon (071) 985143. 24 hour line Tel: 0818 347424.
3.There is a bag limit of 3 sea trout per day in line with the national sea trout regulations.
Fishery Rules – Gweebarra River
1. All anglers must be in possession of a permit, licence, logbook & tags before entering onto the fishery.
2. Fishery Opening times: 7am to Dusk.
3. Fish only on the beat allocated on permit.
4. All legal methods allowed except with natural shrimp or prawn baits.
5. Fish one rod only at a time.
6. Directions of Fishery Manager to be observed at all times.
7. Commence fishing on river at the top of the pool and fish down from there.
8. Do not commence fishing in front (downstream) of an angler already fishing down a pool.
9. Allow a reasonable distance between you and the angler ahead of you.
10. Fish at a reasonable pace to allow access for following anglers (1 cast – 1 step).

Season: 1st April to 30th September inclusive.

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