Laune fishery (Muckross beat)
Beat 1: This short 300m stretch can be accessed on the left hand bank of the river going upstream to the lake from the Laune Bridge. Beat 1 can also be accessed on the right bank from the Laune Bridge for circa 150m. There is also access to another 80m long section on the right hand bank as it leaves the lake. To access these sections, you have to pass over the Laune Br, heading south to the T junction, take the left hand turn into the townland of Tomies East. Then take the next left down the farmer’s passage. This track takes you close to the river outflow at the lake. Permit signs are visible on the gate into this passage.

Beat 2: This stretch covers circa 2.5km and can be accessed from the Laune Bridge downstream or Beaufort Bridge upstream. Fishing on this stretch is on the right bank only downstream of Laune Bridge or left bank upstream from Beaufort Bridge.
Showing all 6 results
Beats 1 & 2 Muckross Fishery Adult Season permit
€250.00 -
Beats 1 & 2 Muckross Fishery Adult day permit – salmon
€35.00 -
Beats 1 & 2 Muckross Fishery – One day senior permit – salmon
€20.00 -
Beats 1 & 2 Muckross Fishery – One day Juvenile – salmon
€20.00 -
Beats 1 & 2 Muckross Fishery – Trout permit
€12.00 -
Beats 1 & 2 Muckross Fishery – Half day trout