Beats 1 & 2 Muckross Fishery – Trout permit


One day trout permit (fly only) for Beats 1 and 2 on the River Laune

Fishery area: IFI Macroom. Fishery: Laune fishery (Muckross beat).
Available From: 15/02/2025. Available To: 12/10/2025.

Angling Regulations on Beat 1 and 2 on the Laune Fishery

  1. Persons must abide by all fishery regulations
  2. Fishing commences at 8.00am until sunset
  3. No fishing from bridges
  4. No shrimp, prawn, spinning or worms allowed
  5. Fly fishing only with single handed rod, trout flies only, single hooks, size 10 or smaller
  6. No littering of river banks or adjacent lands
  7. Single rod to be fished at any one time
  8. Angler must carry permit at all times.