Salmon, Grilse, Sea Trout. Fishery open 1 April to 30 September
The Clady is a brown tag fishery for 2025. Any angler wishing to harvest a salmon or sea trout over 40cm must be in possession of a brown tag. Anglers with out brown tags must fish single or double barbless hooks only, no bait allowed.
Brown tags can be requested on purchase of a permit. Tags will be allocated on a strictly first come first served basis.
Please allow 3 days for postage of brown tag and book accordingly.
Access requirements: Government angling licence (includes log book and tags) and fishery permit.
The Clady River flows through wild moorland for around 5 miles (8km) draining Lough Nacung at Gweedore and flowing through Bunbeg to join the Crolly River estuary. Access to the river is relatively easy and it is fished over 2 beats: this fishery occupies the bottom 3½ miles of the river.
The Clady gets a good run of grilse with some autumn salmon. The best of the run occurs at the end of June and during July. There is also a run of sea trout, which is at its best at the end of August. Most sea trout are caught in the evening, downstream of Bunbeg Bridge. Angling methods vary. In the stretches closer to the mouth of the river, spinning and worming are popular. In the higher stretches fly-fishing is more popular. Useful flies include Ally’s shrimp, Badger, Curry’s Red shrimp, but any of the most popular shrimp flies should fish well.
Water is taken from the head of the Clady River and is channelled to a hydro-electric power station at the mouth of the River Crolly. This means the natural flow of the river has been affected and water is released down the Clady in ‘freshets’ between May and September. Angling is most productive after these artificial floods and indeed 8 or 9 salmon to a rod in a day was not uncommon in the past.
There are 2 beats on the Clady Fishery. Visitors fish alongside local club members under local rules and etiquette. Beat 1 runs from the N56 Bridge downstream to the Bridge immediately downstream of Diver’s Pool. Beat 2 runs from from the same bridge to The Murlins just upstream of the Estuary at Bunbeg.
Angling is not allowed between the ESB Dam and the N56 Bridge downstream of it.
Season: 1st April to the 30th September inclusive.
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